Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Reichert Rolling

VP Dick Cheney was in town Monday to assist Rep. Dave Reichert - 8th Dist. in his fund raising efforts for re-election. And a successful visit is was. The Seattle Times reports that Rep. Reichert has over $376,000 in his coffers prior to the event.

That, along with the funds raised Monday put his at nearly 1/3 of the total amount raised for his victory last year over Dave Ross ($1.5 million), and he still has about 16 months before the election.

Rep. Reichert is not exactly my perfect legislator. I have not agreed with all of his votes (oil drilling in ANWAR), but one can not expect perfection in a politician.

The main thing for Rep. Reichert is that he tries to stay connected with his constituents. He is regularly on the radio talk shows, even calling in, unsolicited, on at least one occasion. The biggest thing is that he actually took calls from listeners.

Staying in touch with your constituency and fairly representing the views of your electorate are the important traits in a politician and unfortunately all to rare.


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