Wednesday, June 08, 2005

9/11 - Atrocity after the fact - Part I

This was a point of conversation on various shows yesterday. I'll leave it to Michelle Malkin to say it best (as she usually does).

In brief, the plan is to essentialy make the memorial mainly a display of man's inhumanity to man, or as the lefties like to consider it, the wrongs America have done to the world. Oh, sure, they will be mentioning Hitler etc., but there will be sections on the plight of the Native Americans, black slaves in America (I will assume there will be nothing about the current slavery issues in Africa and the Middle East), and other misc. atrocities committed by the United States.

Leave it to these people to turn an American Tradgedy and turn the focus back against America.

One question: Weren't we the ones attacked September 11, 2001? I know I will never forget.


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