Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Thank God for Vermont!

OK, we lost the election challenge for Governor of the State of Washington, take you licks and get ready to come back another day (or go to and wait no longer.)

Get your chin off of your chest and smile, and I mean BIG!

What other reaction can you have? Every day we get another treat, from the gift that is proving to keep on giving........HOWARD DEAN

I love it. Every morning I get up, watch Fox & Friends and almost without fail, Dr. Dean has gotten diarrhea of the mouth again and has provided the Republicans with another gift.

A few years ago, I though Tom Daschle was a Republicans best friend. Every time he would speak out against the President or his policies (ie. Operation Iraqi Freedom), within a day or two, any predictions he made would be proven wrong. It was priceless.

Just when I thought we would never have anyone that "fun" again, along comes Dr. Howard Dean. I knew when he was selected as DNC chair, it would be interesting, but who knew?

One would imagine that he would tone it down and speak more moderately, considering his job now is mainly to raise money, which is going horribly by the way. Well, there are times when I am more than happy to be proven wrong.

It has gotten so bad, two potential Democrat Presidential candidates are already running from him faster than Jesse Owens.

It also seems that after Sen. Rodham-Clinton's little excursion to the right, she is following Dr. Dean's lead. We'll see where this goes.

I have big hopes for the next 3 1/2 years politically, Gregoire, Dean & Clinton.

There is a God!


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