Sunday, October 16, 2005

Only the Anti-American MSM

If you have a strong stomach, try this editorial passing as a news story from The Seattle Times (via the Washington Post).

I recognize the rights of the Iraqi's to vote yeah or nay on the constitution during their 2nd free election yesterday. In fact, the fact that Iraqi's feel free to vote against the majority and then publicly express that sentiment to a reporter is a testament to the good America has done in that country.

But, leave it to the MSM to ignore the fact that a real election did happen in just a couple of years after Saddam was re-elected with 100% of the vote (because anyone who voted against him is now dead).

The writer goes into a Sunni dominated area and finds a 73-year old man who longs for the days of Saddam and no American "occupation". It just makes your stomach turn.

According to the news of the election so far, the constitution will pass, even in some areas where it was not expected to pass. That and the fact that violence was significantly less than anticipated and to most it would be measured a great success.

But the MSM can't have that, that would be a victory for the President and the Iraqi people and more importantly, it would contradict their hopes and dreams for the Iraqi people - failure of the implementation of a democracy.

When you have been so wrong for so long, you would hope that they would recognize that fact and quit trying to legitimize their opinions.


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